Saturday, May 9, 2009

Return of the Frog

So I'll start by mentioning how short sighted I am.

Really short sighted.

So short sighted I only remove my glasses to sleep and shower. Yes, I wear them in the pool or ocean. I've even made the hospital let me wear them until they put me asleep before any operation.

Right - get the idea??

So I get in the shower - la la la lah - reach up for soap...
.....and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

My hand touches moist and clammy that moves.

My first reaction is a girly scream & jumping backwards. The clammy thing jumps onto my leg and is attached. More squeals, bashing my back into the shower door, etc Okay I know I have a frog & calm down even though I can't see anything too well.

I wash my hands and try to gently capture the frog in my palms so I can take him to his natural habitat. No. He likes it there and wants to stay in the shower cubicle.

I get him - eventually. Frogs are quite strong, slippery little suckers and he's got soap on his tummy. I gently run water over him and take him into the courtyard garden amongst the lush plants where I believe he belongs.

My question is - how long before the return of the frog?

I'm leaving my glasses on until I check the shower every night BEFORE undressing! You wait first time I forget, that little green froggy will be there waiting, hiding behind the shampoo!

And NO - I didn't get a photo.

Happy bathing,

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